Hello, my name is Dana Dunlap – the Mind Body Soul Chic! I love all things chic- sparkles, red heels, a good pair of jeans with booties and an oversized, comfy sweater, fun lipstick, big earrings, short and sassy hair and rock’n readers!! I literally can’t go a day without a cup of dark, roasted coffee with cream, my fav dark chocolate and some quiet time with my Beloved, Jesus! My treasures on earth are my sweet hubby of 27 years, my two active boys and the King Daddy of the house – Otis the English Bulldog!! I am barely pushing 5’2 in height but like my hubby says, “dynamite comes in small packages”. God created within me a slightly competitive nature (my husband is laughing at the “slightly” part of that sentence) but as I have found what we think to be the negatives in our lives always turn out to somehow be used for our good! In my case, my competitive nature allowed me to not give in or give up in the biggest battle of my life with cancer. I am a 13 year breast cancer survivor today and I give God all the glory for my life. This experience is what has shaped me to become the woman I am today. After an experience like that your perspective changes. Life isn’t as complicated and the small things that used to irritate don’t bother me anymore. It’s all about having fun, enjoying every minute of life, and loving people like crazy!! I am a speaker, writer, Mind Body Soul Chic Mentor/Coach, and cray cray bargain shopper! This Chic has had some messes but my messes are now becoming my messages!
What I do Best
- ENCOURAGE & LOVE women through life!!!
- Teach the powerful & healing Word of God to Women’s Groups, Bible studies and Conferences!
- Mentor women through my Mentorship Program -The Mind Body Soul Chic Community!
- Mentor and support my fellow chics going through the battles of cancer!
- My podcast- R.A.W. (Real Amazing Women!)
- Blog my personal life experiences to help get women from valley to victory!
- Create on-line courses that will help women to thrive in life!
- Have fun, drink dark coffee and eat chocolate whenever possible!